AnimationJam 2022 FH Hagenberg


The AnimationJam is an event where students come together for 36 hours in order to create some sort of an animation video based on a predefined theme. When I started the Masters I noticed such events weren’t held since when I took part of one in my first Bachelors semester because of the Corona pandemic years. Also, the knowledge of the existence seized to exist because of the former organizers already left university. So I started with the prerequisites to “live” it up again on a big scale.


As I already had some experience in event production, I tried to make the event look more official and at the same time motivate the students with a catchy event opener with proper logo (animation). Since I basically was working on my own in regards of planning, I quickly set up a checklist on what to achieve this motivational approach. I gathered a small team of student colleagues who helped me out with the most critical parts such as creating a poster (Florian Winkler), sculpting and 3D-printing the award (Thomas Förg), filming the theme reveal video (Wolfgang Schwendtbauer) and Dario Ackermann (who was responsible over the night) who all also helped out buying food and drinks.


When it comes to the logo animation, I immediately fell in love with the music piece I found on YouTube (which is why the videos are not publicly accessible) and started some tests in Blender (the blue particle wave) and After Effects (the pink, green and blue particles) which I still think fit perfectly to the music. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to compose something own which is why I had to stick with the reference music (all credits to the respective owners!).

Motion Graphic of the event


When it came to the theme, I was the only one knowing it which is why filming the reveal video was particularly interesting and fun – especially when it came to telling Thomas that he should act like he knew the topic as well! As you can see in the final result, the video was made more spontaneously and on a fun basis – as it should fit the “jam”-setting.

Finally, on Friday evening the day before the jam, I started a livestream where the participants could watch the final theme-reveal video:

Reveal video of the topic


I am still amazed by how good the result was even though of limited personal resources and me organizing such an event for the first time and also the feedback showed that it was worth it. Many stated that through that event, they could bond friendships (especially those from the first semesters!) and that they had lots of fun taking part. Hearing it, still fills my heart with joy and I’m looking forward for organizing the next Jam.
