Media Futures Summit 2022


The “Media Futures Summit” event is used to gather people from different media companies to talk about current and future issues in their surroundings and possible solutions on how to tackle them. As this also marks an event that can and should be distributed to others to learn from, the UAS Upper Austria wanted to issue a livestream. I once again was responsible as production director and did the intro video as well as the music.


When the preparations of the event started, it immediately was clear for me not to reuse the intro from last year (even though it never made into the event). I just was too curious to find out how much or if my understanding of the music had changed in this one year which is why I tackled some issues I was thinking about. One of these questions were:

How to make the countdown before the stream even more motivating?

Starting with this question, I decided I had to do a remix of my music in Logic Pro X – I just felt like something is lacking. (Though I really like it in a way.) When analyzing the first version, one can tell that it kind of starts already with many instruments and there wasn’t much time for polishing. So first, I adjusted the volumes of each track and tried to figure out how to start the melody. Both that and the question about the countdown were solved when I added some synthesizers – you might already see why I worded it “remix” 😉

Most of all, the added synthesizers gave the music a bit more of rhythm and some themes that I still regard as “romantic”. This gives the viewer a lightweight entry into the motivational buildup which ends with a lot of density and bass. Have a look into it:

The remix intro of the Media Futures Summit 2022

The event

Unfortunately, the event kind of had some organization problems, which is why I don’t feel like putting the final result here. Problems like adding or removing a pause, no communication with the livestreaming team (or me as the head of it), no control over the streaming target / YouTube channel (!) as well as the speaker starting before the event should’ve started were just the tip of the iceberg.


However, I still am grateful that I was able to work once again with the people I already know and have a fun time together. For me, this version of the intro still marks as one of my favorite compositions I’ve ever made – which makes it even more a shame that it never had a chance to fully get streamed/played as intended. Neverthenless, I have a feeling that maybe someday, there will be another chance or probably an even better theme that will take its place.
